Thursday, November 10, 2011

Project Sunshine: Movie Night

What do you get when you combine a box of theater candy and a package of microwave popcorn:

....with a DVD:

Movie Night!  

I'm sending this one out to my horror movie loving BIL.  I've done similar gifts for teachers (with more appropriate movie selections, of course:)) and they make super gifts on the cheap!

Here's the cost breakdown:

The Others Blu Ray on sale for $4.75 at Target a few weeks ago - $3 Manufacturer Coupon = $1.75.  Read about the deal here.  (Target and Walmart routinely sell DVD's for $5 each, and Black Friday is a good time to stock up on $2-$3 DVD's as well!)

Whoppers Theater Candy Box: $0.98 from Walmart

Microwave Popcorn: Free-ish (I just grabbed a bag from the pantry...but you can use coupons and purchase popcorn on sale and get it for less than 50 cents per bag)

Total: $2.73...not too shabby! Here's hoping my BIL enjoys it:).

Read more about Project Sunshine here and here.  And if you have any inexpensive gift ideas, I'd love to hear about them.


  1. How cute!
    I want to have a movie night!! (;

  2. This is a very good idea, the price of dvd's had drastically gotten better. I like this idea for bridal and baby shower prizes too:) Thanks for sharing and I'm your latest follower:)

  3. Yeah for followers:)! Glad you like the idea Latoya...if you have any other frugal gift ideas, send them my way!

  4. I was hunting for ideas since I have twin 'nieces' who asked me for movies, but I wanted to jazz it up, this is an awesome simple gift, I know the girls will love it!
