
Monday, April 2, 2012

Sewing Station Updates!

It wasn't too long ago, that I posted about moving my sewing machine, desk and book shelves to a neglected corner in our basement:

circa February 2012 :)

I have been loving this set up, and in attempt to dig out of our office:

Total Chaos.  Embarrassing.  But it's so much better now, because I moved all my craft supplies that I had been storing in our office to my sewing corner in the basement and added a few fun items, and now my sewing and crafting space looks like this:

I love my newly organized work area!  It has all my sewing AND crafting gear!

Lucky (and napping Charm) LOVE their new work areas.

 I still have a couple things to figure out like a better sewing supply organization system:

And I'd love a nicer gift wrap storage basket:

Overall though, I am in craft heaven when I'm working in this new space!  Later this week I'll post more details about the canvas pictures, chalkboards and craft jars that I added to the space.

Update: DIY canvas art details can be seen here.  Oil Drip Pan Chalkboards can be seen here.  Colorful craft jars can be seen here.

Linking up to The Rooster and The Hen.
Linking up to Thrifty Decor Chick.


  1. Love the wire baskets!

    1. Those wire baskets are awesome! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!! I think of you whenever I'm grabbing some tape or glue:)!

  2. You could pick up a sewing basket at JoAnn's this week using the 50% off coupon. I also saw some really cute ones on Amazon for about $25.00. I really like this one:

    1. Thanks for the tip Jen!! I heart Joann's coupons:). I like the basket on Amazon looks like it could really help my situation:)! I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do, but I'm honestly hoping I come across a basket or container I can use in our utility room as we go through that big, ugly space in preparation for the garage sale we're holding in May. So. Much. To. Do. before that sale...and oh, did you know CE is due the end of May too:)?!

  3. What a beautiful craft area--the kid's pictures are so cute!

  4. Lucky you! What fun to have a nice organized spot to create!

    Don't be embarrassed about showing us your clutter - I shared my scary basement that looked like a scene from hoarders and lived to tell the tale!

    1. Kelly...I keep telling myself it's time to simplify. And then I go to Goodwill. Goo.:)

  5. Holy cow I love this space! You've done wonders to it, it's fabulous! Sharing this on our FB page too - thanks so much for linking up to the RRR party!

    1. Thanks Whitney!! I just checked out your FB's fun to see the room there:)!
