
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our Kitchen

So in this post, I alluded to all of the 'bad' parts about our house when we first moved in last year.  The list included things that were broken or missing or needed changing.  One area that didn't need any work (aside from granite sealing and a light fixture change-aroo) was our kitchen.  You might have a better understanding about why we were willing to take on a foreclosed home and all of its oddities after you see pictures of our kitchen:

It's amazing.  I love it, and I love pretending I know how to cook while in it.  We recently changed out the light fixtures above the island, and we really like the new glass lanterns.  If you've read this post or this post, you know that I'm eager to switch out our current stools for ones with backs on them, so when we find some in our price range, we'll probably add them to our kitchen.  And there are a couple other minor areas that need work:

This entire corner of the kitchen needs some accessory help.

And this glass display area needs to be rearranged and prettied up.

And this bookshelf needs a little organizational work as well:

Those minor tweaks aside, isn't she a beauty?

Linking up to Thrifty Decor Chick.


  1. It is absolutely stunning! I LOVE your kitchen! - adrienne

  2. Thanks Adrienne! Now, I need to come up with a way to keep it looking like the above pictures more often...counters=junk pile holders! Hope you are doing well!

  3. Your kitchen is beautiful and the colors are so rich! When I built my second new home in 1997, I had the cabinets stained a gorgeous mahogany color and my builder thought I was crazy. He said, "90% of people choose Honey Oak." I said, "good for them, this is what I want" This was the same time everyone was else was choosing white appliances and I installed black, the builder called my husband! That was two houses ago and what do I have now in my 25+ year old house? HONEY OAK - Boo! At least I know someone else can enjoy those gorgeous warm reddish cabinets.

  4. oh my gosh, what a great space! that pantry! that island! super jealous.

  5. WOW! I love it! Especially the island and bookshelf!

  6. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Our kitchens have similar features, so you have given me ideas. :)

  7. Thanks everyone for your kind words!! I wish I could say I designed it, but we were lucky that it just came like that with the house:)!

  8. Very pretty! Love the space and the gorgeous tile!

  9. Impressive pantry. I love the kitchen but I have always wanted a nice pantry.

    1. Thanks! I'm not sure I could live without a pantry like this now that we've had it for almost two years!!:)

  10. Hi Beth,

    I love the color of your kitchen cabinets. Do you know what the color and manufacturer are by any chance?
    Thank you.
    Loretta :)

  11. What is the brand and color of the back splash tiles?
