
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunshine On My Mind

It's May, and this was our thermometer reading Sunday afternoon:
On Monday, I don't think we even reached 40 degrees.  I don't know why this is such a cold spring, but I'm really yearning for some warmth and sunshine.  When I think of the sun, I think of a yellow ball of energy, so it's fitting that yellow be the color for May.  (See this post and this post for March and April colors.)  Yellow is easily my favorite color.  Ironically, I don't have many yellow accents in my this month will be a bit tricky.  I've decided to keep our family room mostly blue, but add in just a few yellow accents as well.  This will work especially well because May is a busy month with a garage sale and lots of projects lined least they're lined up in my head anyway.  I've given myself a $30 budget, and I'll update with posts as yellow items are infused into the room.  We'll see how this goes:).

Here's the first project:
I took these items...

and made this!  It's the first blast of bold yellow to enter the room this month.

Do you see the feet on the couch?  I just want to tickle them whenever I see this picture!!

Materials and Cost:
Drum Lampshade: $4.98 Target Clearance
Old Brass Lamp: $3.50 at Goodwill (50% off)
Sun Yellow Spraypaint: $2.50
Total: $11

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