
Monday, April 18, 2011

Our Weekend in a Record Bowl

Here is a summary of our weekend in a nutshell record bowl:

On Friday, I brought home these items after 1 hour of shopping:

Bassett Furniture Mid-Century Modern Dresser, 3 Children's Books and 2 Mushrooms.  I shopped at 3 stores.  One of the stores was Gordmans.  The other two were thrift stores.  Guess how much I paid for all 6 items?  Leave a comment with your guess.  The person with the closest answer will receive a virtual high five from me, or if you live within a mile of me, I will give you a real high five.  The winner will be announced on Friday.

On Saturday, we went antique shopping in St. Paul and had a wonderful lunch at Moe's Burgers.  Yums in the Tums.  I came home with this:
a super cool globe that was marked $8, but was 20% off...$6.40.  I centered the globe photo near Singapore because I heart Singapore!

and I also brought home this:
a thrift store John Denver record with a few scratches on it.  It cost $1.41.

At home, I turned the record into this:
a record bowl/Post-It holder.

On Saturday night, Bill went out and brought home this:
an antique German settee which needs new upholstery and probably some paint.  It cost $25. 

On Sunday, we played outside in the snow:
Seriously Spring, stop playing games with us.  We love you and we want you to stay.  For good. 

And aside from about a hundred other things,  that was a weekend in a record bowl.


  1. $50. How did you make the record bowl?

  2. Good guessing guys! As for the record bowl, maybe I'll have to do a post on that. The record transformed in the oven in about 5 minutes. Christy showed me how to do it!

  3. $22.35. I was going to make one of those record bowls for little man's party but I ran out of time. Looks like yours turned out great. Nice! Looks like you got some good scores this weekend. Hope you had a great time with your girlfriend.

  4. To quote my father, "I know it has to be low since you bought it."

    Singapore choice for the globe, very cool!

    Has anyone ever been to Singapore?

  5. $60--I can't wait to see what you do with your new dresser. Are you going to paint? antique finish?

  6. We'll definitely do some painting on the dresser, perhaps combined with some staining. I have a vague idea of how I'd like it to look...just need some warm weather to start tackling that one:).
