
Friday, April 15, 2011

Expecting Company!!

We're so excited to be having company this weekend.  My good friend, Christy, from my undergrad days at UW-Madison is heading west from Madtown to see us.  I figure since I'm planning to spruce up our new basement guest room a bit for her arrival, I might as well post a few pictures of the room while I'm at it. 

Generally speaking, this is the one room in our house that stays nice most of the time.  It is probably my favorite room in the house right now because it's permanently picked up.  (We keep the door to our guest room closed about 99% of the time.)

Here it is:

This is the view as you enter the room straight ahead. 

This is the wall to the right.

This is your view to the left side of the room.


This is your view laying on the bed straight ahead....umm, not so much going on there:
I have an idea for a project for this space, and I already have the supplies.  Now, I just need to find the time in the day to get it done!  Soon!

Everything in the room (except the striped comforter cover, grey tray, and yellow throw blanket) was in our guest bedroom at our previous home.  I love the grey, white, black and yellow color scheme in there.  It makes me happy!   Is anyone else loving that color combination right now?

Aside from wall art, other to do's for this room include:
  • putting a small desk in the room so I can set up a closed door sewing station when guests aren't in town. 
  • I don't love the tall, black book shelf placement in the room, so it may have to find a new home or make it's way to Craigslist.  We'll see. 
  • Actual window treatments would be nice too...instead of the extra shower curtain tied with twine that we're currently using. 
As with every room in my house, it's a work in progress. 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

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