
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Excitement!

We had so much fun this Easter!  Check it out!

The Morning Easter Basket Hunt:

Easter Mass Gear Before:
Target Clearance--suit was $6.24 last summer and dress was $7.48 a month ago

And After:
 There is no caption I could write that is funnier than their faces.

 It actually wasn't hat weather here, but she's still in the habit of throwing a hat on her head before leaving the house.  Please stay Spring.  Please.

After Church Time:

 Don't you love the Toy Story Woody socks that he insisted on wearing with his shirt and tie?

 Risky Business, Starring Charm! 

Bill and I tried to coordinate outfits with the kiddos too.
Lucky is the photographer on this one.  Don't ask how many pictures
she took before we got one that wasn't blurred to the max:).  She was such a trooper!

Egg Decorating Fun:

She has so many expressions...I don't know what to call this one.

Outside Play Time:
 I love the jacket that Charm is wearing.  I Target-stalked it for awhile and jumped on it when it hit $6.24.  I may have bought a couple different sizes, so he may be wearing the same jacket for the next few years:).

Looking at Lucky's face makes me laugh again.  She was making me smile all day long with her goofy grins!

And finally, look what the Easter Bunny brought for Bill and me:
Extreme Griddle Excitement!!!  Yuppers, I found one on Saturday for the Target clearance price of $12.48...I'm sure it will drop to $6.24 (75% off price), but it was worth it to us to have an elaborate 'breakfast for dinner' on a new griddle on Easter Sunday.

The griddle worked great, and Lucky enjoyed her enormous-by-request pancake which was much easier to flip on the griddle than it would have been in a pan.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend too!


  1. what a fun day! The pics are amazing. charm has so much hair now! I love his jacket. So smart to get bigger sizes too. It's a classic style. Good luck with garage sale stuff.

  2. I just loved all of the wonderful pictures. The kids have great looking Easter outfits--Lucky and Charm look just beautiful in navy blue. Beth, love your skirt (and Bill's matching polo)!
