
Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

And with the coming of spring, here is our growing list of outdoor projects in no particular order:

1. Uncovering our Garage Floor. 
It's really bad in there.  And we want to hold a garage sale in three weeks.  We are going to be very, very busy to say the least.

2a.  Tightening the bolts on our playset. 
Last August, we put together this playset.  And by we, I mean my husband and father-in-law.  They put it together over the course of several days that ended up being the hottest days of the summer.  Most of the pictures I took during the process turned out foggy from the humidity that attacked the camera when it was brought outside.  After a long, cold winter, we want to make sure it's all safe and secure before sending the kiddos up to play.
Update: A spring Easter day helped us to take care of this 'to do'!

2b.  I also would like to add some more fun things in the club house portion of the playset.  Since the Easter Bunny brought the kids a 'steering wheel', we took advantage of the nice weather to install it.



3. Tackling the dead plants in our landscaping and adding mulch to the beds that need it.
Bye Dead Plant.

4. Adding Gutters.
Our house is 4 years old and doesn't have gutters.  We need to install some.  It's going to be expensive.

5. Staining the Deck.
It's grey and sad looking.  Thankfully, it's one of the smaller decks I've seen, so the job shouldn't be too terrible:).

6. Planting a Vegetable Garden.
Can you picture it?  We are all so excited to do some vegetable farming this year.

7. Mudjacking the concrete in front of our porch steps.
See the blue-green foam between the driveway and the stair?  That shouldn't be visible.  Our driveway has settled over time.  It needs to be mudjacked.  Another expensive 'to do' that we'll be hiring out.

8. Purchasing some patio furniture (probably a used set or end of the season clearance set because the bulk of our outdoor budget this year will be used towards gutters and mudjacking).

9.  Window washing.  We'll be able to appreciate our hard work in the yard even more if we can see out our windows!:)

That's it...just a few hours worth of work, right?:)  Thankfully, we've got the whole summer to tackle some of these projects, and they all involve being outdoors which is very important for those of us who have been cooped up all winter long.  Yeah for Spring!


  1. You are so organized. I think the kids will just love the garden. I have fond memories of my family's garden; I loved the peas!!

    BTW; it won't be that long before Lucky and Charm are actually driving. :)

  2. So Gail...what are you up to the next few weekends? Want to come over and help in the garden?:).
