
Friday, May 2, 2014

It's Already Friday?

This week seriously flew by at warp speed.  I'm not sure where the time went, but it was an emotional week to say the least, and it was filled with highs and lows and way too much rain.  We attended a funeral and celebrated a birthday in the same day.  We dealt with family drama, and then had fun at a school carnival.  We caught colds, and we watched Charm in his preschool musical performance.  It was a whirlwind, and at the end of the week all I can do is say thanks for each day we've been given, say prayers for those that are grieving or hurting or ill, and say 'I love you' to all those I hold dear.

I told Charm to put bunny ears on Clover.  Apparently, it's a new concept!:)

Another tooth bites the dust!  When she looked under her pillow in the morning, she announced: The Tooth Fairy made a mess!  (Glitter Everywhere!)

Charm and his best friend on their performance day! 

My laundry helper!

Carnival Fun!

Lucky got this rocking horse when she turned one.  She's growing up so fast, and now the horse is headed to our garage sale to be loved by another little girl!

Have a wonderful weekend, and be sure to give your loved ones extra hugs and kisses tonight!

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