
Friday, May 23, 2014


Is it just me or is May flying by at an alarming rate?  There are only 9 school days left.  What??  The last few weeks have been crazy in our house with a garage sale and baptism plopped into one weekend, and the ensuing recovery and get 'back to normal' period that followed.  The next couple weeks are sure to be busy as well with parties, soccer and the end of the school year.  I keep telling myself I'll eventually find time to finish Clover's nursery:), but part of me wants to call it done now, regardless of the empty picture frames and missing crib skirt.  We are in a season of our life where time is our limiting factor in everything we do, which means we will be tackling fewer projects ourselves and hiring more work around our house....and I'm still trying to get used to that idea:).

Regardless, here are a boat load of pictures from the last few weeks:

Clover smiled at the perfect times during his baptism.  He had just been introduced as a baptized Christian when this picture was taken, and he smiled earlier when water was being poured on him.  He loved it!!

The Godmother

 The Godfather:

We discovered earlier this spring that Lucky and Charm had both outgrown their old bikes, so since birthdays and Christmas were not on the horizon, we decided they each needed to earn roughly half the cost of their new bikes (Lucky ended up earning over half of the cost of her bike, and Charm earned a little less than half the cost of his bike.)  They did tasks around the house in preparation for our garage sale and kept careful track of their money earned with a tally that was on our refrigerator.  It worked out well for us all, as Bill and I sure needed some extra help garage sale prepping this year!

  Who needs a big house when there's this much love?

And here are some random things/thoughts/etc for you:

Have you seen this Thai advertisement?  I just love it.

Purging toys before the big garage sale is usually rewarded by a couple new surprises in our house for Lucky and Charm.  I ordered this kit and it was a HUGE hit with Lucky.  Now I need to do a little electricity refresher course so I can explain it all:).  And Charm really enjoyed this sand, which I picked up at Michael's with a coupon.  Both of these products I could spend hours playing with myself.  A win for everyone!

I'm seriously considering this technique for introducing solid foods to Clover.  Has anyone tried it?  Tips?

Or have you listened to this song by Minnesota Native Molly Kate Kestner?  So beautiful.

And I'm dreaming of an outdoor shade structure these days.  Something like this would work well!

That is it for now.  Have a wonderful weekend!!

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