
Friday, April 25, 2014

April's Last Friday!

We had so much fun celebrating Easter this past weekend!

It's hard to believe that he is already 16 weeks old!!

And here are a few things that we are enjoying lately:

The Easter Bunny brought Lucky this book.  I love the pictures and the story and it has interestingly become one of Charm's favorites.  Someday, I plan to pick up this similar title by the same author.

I think we've finally rounded the corner on the four month old sleep regression that we've dealt with for the past couple weeks with Clover.  (Even though this is our third baby rodeo, we've never experienced sleep regression before.  Our first two were such horrible sleepers that we wouldn't have noticed a regression had it occurred.)  We read this post which provided some ideas to aid Clover in getting back to his old sleep routine.  Having Bill put Clover to sleep was the answer for us!

I finally found a plastic food storage bag that I'm good with using for lunches.  I discovered this brand bag at Target (It was $1.40 for 25 quart sized bags), and there are no strong, plastic odors inside the bags like I smell in most plastic bags of this type.  Bill, our lunch man, is so excited to have another option besides the parchment paper bag and washi tape system we had been using:).

I am loving this sweet song from the show, Nashville, a favorite of mine.

Finally, we are deeply focused on purging our house of extras and organizing what remains in preparation for our annual garage sale, which is exciting and exhausting at the same time.  I'm constantly keeping my eyes open for pretty and practical storage pieces.  Isn't this one awesome? 

Here's hoping you have a lovely weekend!


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