
Friday, October 19, 2012

Charm's Restoration Hardware Knock Off Bed

Several months ago, I found this bed online:

Restoration Hardware Baby & Child

I love the simplicity and thought it would be perfect in Charm's room!  It could definitely help solve the 'mattress on the floor' dilemma we were experiencing, but at $549 it was really pricey for four casters and 4 pieces of wood.  I knew we could build one ourselves for much less, but Bill wasn't sold on the whole 'bed on wheels' concept.  He had safety concerns given the weight of the bed, and the idea of Charm pushing the bed around his room.  We thought about putting 'locks' on the wheels or bolting the bed with 'one million screws' into the wall behind his bed, but ultimately, I realized the simplest solution would be to squirt a little epoxy in the wheels to permanently lock them.  I could get the look I wanted without putting Charm's safety at risk.

Once that issue was settled, Bill and I came up with a plan that included deeper sides to allow us to hide the box spring that we were kindly given by my parents when they made some mattress changes at their lake house.  It also would allow the overall height of the bed to be closer to a standard size.  The Restoration Hardware version is only about 11 inches tall (plus the height of the mattress) which would be awesome now, but we are hoping Charm enjoys this bed for many years.  

I stained and sealed the wood, and then Bill put the bed together.  He used metal corner pieces guessed it...the corners.  We sprayed the casters (6" fixed casters from Northern Tool) a dark charcoal color, although I think I may go back and spray them more of a stainless steel color in the spring.  We also found metal trim much like that seen on the Restoration Hardware bed for $1.50 per 8 foot length at Home Depot.  We couldn't decide if we wanted to add that detail or not, so we held off for now, and may add it in the spring when we finalize the wheel color decision.  Our total cost for the bed including the casters ($56), spray paint ($7), wood ($35) and 4 metal corner pieces ($12) came to $110.  (We had the stain and polyacrylic on hand already).  

Here's how Charm's room is looking now:

We made a stand for Charm's Ship Wheel using a crate from Joann's ($6 with a coupon) that Bill stained to match the bed and ship wheel.

The white duvet cover is from IKEA.

Of course, the room is not totally finished and probably never will be because I'll keep finding things to change:).  As of now, I plan to upgrade this plastic IKEA stool:

Charm can actually get on his bed without using the stool, but it's a bit of a struggle for him.  I'm keeping my eyes peeled for the 'perfect stool'.  Hopefully, I'll find one before he outgrows the need for a stool:)!

And his 'night stand' needs work or replacement.  It's actually a $10 Target clearance find that I blogged about here since it's a knock off West Elm table:

I'd like to paint it or add color in some way.  Also, I'd like to make it needs some heels, I think:).

And finally, this lamp shade needs some attention:

We've had our eyes out for a lightweight lamp with a kid friendly on/off switch for a couple months now, and I ended up finding this one in our spare bedroom upstairs.  It's from IKEA and was purchased several years ago.  The lamp shade is a bit girly...although, I think it has red leaves on it, not flowers, so for now it works.  I plan to recover the shade, however. 

I'll probably let these projects come to me rather than seeking out 'fixes' immediately.  I'm moving on to other rooms and other projects for now...and you know one of those rooms is Lucky's.  We've made a few changes in her room too that I am very eager to share.  If I could get as motivated to work on our master bedroom as I am to work on Lucky and Charm's rooms, our second floor would be in fantastic shape:)!!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Linking up to Thrifty Decor Chick.
Linking up to Primitive and Proper.
Linking up to Miss Mustard Seed.


  1. wow! that is SO cool! love this idea and love the outcome!

    1. Thanks Cassie!! I'll be linking up to you soon:)!

  2. Everything looks awesome. I love the idea of the wheels on the bed, even if they can't move they sure look great.

  3. Hi Chris,
    Thanks so much for the sweet comment! Off to check out your blog:)!
