
Thursday, December 8, 2011

More Joy, Wreath Style!

I've been seeing homemade wreaths popping up all over the blog world.  I don't have a specific one that I was inspired to duplicate, but when I noticed I had some leftover embroidery hoops from this project in Lucky's room, I had to put them to use.  (They were on the same shelf in my craft area as the Modge Podge that I used for my Joy Canvas.)  The price tag on them read 99 cents for 2 of them, and I honestly have no idea which thrift store I picked them up from:).

I picked out pine boughs that I had remaining in my big pile from Uncle Mike.  I also trimmed a few pieces off our boxwood plants out front.  I got out my glue gun and got to work:

 I made the boxwood wreath first.  It was quick and easy.

Here is the completed evergreen wreath.

After I finished glittering my white canvas, I had Lucky and Charm help me modge podge and glitter the poster board letters I used as stencils for the white canvas project.  I have no pictures of this task because it required more hands than I had without trying to operate a camera.  Glitter + Glue + 2 Kids = Craziness!!  The poster board got all wrinkly at first, but then it straightened out.  It would have been even better if I had used cardboard for the letters.

Here is what I had in mind when I made my wreaths:

I put a single hole punch at the top of the letters and used twine to hang them from the ledge above our fireplace.

I used landscaping rocks like this to weigh down the letters/wreath.

A sparkly round ornament serves as the dot on the 'j'.

The wreath 'O' didn't stand out as much as I wanted, so then I tried out the glittered 'O'.

And my wreaths ended up on the windows in our great room:

Another FREE project!!

If I had to buy everything 'new' this month, the cost would have been:
50 cents for posterboard
99 cents for 2 thrifted embroidery hoops
Free boxwood and pine bough clippings
$2.50 for the red glitter (and I amazingly didn't even use half of it)
$3 (maybe?) for a small jar of modge podge (elmer's glue would work too)
$2 for twine

Total Cost: $9 for 2 wreaths and a 'JOY' sign!

Linking up to Centsational Girl.


  1. I LOVE the JOY above your fireplace.. what a perfect place for it. Is that snow I see out your windows?? I wish we got anything like that in Portland.. hope you're enjoying it!

  2. Thanks Brittany! And yes, it's snow...the real deal. We are no strangers to it here in Minnesota. We are pretty much guaranteed a white Christmas:)! The kids LOVE it and it's pretty for awhile, but ask me again in March when it's still on the ground, and I want to spray paint:)! Thanks for reminding me that not everyone gets snow like we do. I'll be sure to appreciate our next snowball fight that much more:)!

    I've been to Seattle in the late fall and it was rainy and cold...I'm assuming Portland is the same?

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