
Friday, May 27, 2011

It's a Bird. It's a Plane. It's Actually a Yellow Bird in a Yellow Room.

So last week, I posted about a few Goodwill finds that were potential 'yellow' additions to our family room.  All three of you that responded picked the same one I real surprise there:).  Here she is in all of her yellow glory: 

Does she remind you of Antonio from Design Star's Pink Ducks?

Anyway, here is how the whole room turned out (See this post, this post, this post and this post for more information on my color of the month for May):
I realize that I seriously need to do some picture editing to get these images larger.  The idea of picture editing scares me a little.  Perhaps Mr. Sunshine can give me a tutorial this weekend?:) Hint. Hint.

I found this pear candle in our master bedroom.  I'm pretty sure I picked it up at Goodwill awhile back.

This little frame got a coat of yellow as well.  It was previously black and was a Target Clearance find from a year ago.  I like it better yellow:).

Could he get any cuter?

I don't think it's possible!

And for the Budget Breakdown:
Lamp and Shade (including spray paint): $11
Fabric for Pillow Cover: $5
Yellow Plant: $3.50
Lemons: $4.50
Bird Picture on Mantle: $4.99
Wood Bird: $1.99
Total: $30.98

1 comment:

  1. Beth--I love your yellow accents! The duck turned out really well. Charm is pretty cute too!!
