
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

'O' Boy!

It's only been a little over three months since Clover was born and it's already hard to remember life without this guy:

I mentioned awhile back that we realized after giving Clover his official name that starts with an 'O', that if you take the official names of all of our family members and do some letter arranging, you end up with the word 'whole', which I find pretty special.  I decided I needed to make some art for Clover's room that made mention of this 'whole' business.

I was inspired by this simple project over at Jones Design Company.

The supplies were cheap: a stamp set from the dollar bin at Target and a wood slice from Michael's that I picked up with a coupon for about $5.

I did a trial run:

And here's the finished project to be placed in Clover's nursery:

Quick, easy and personalized!

Hope you had a fun April Fool's Day!  Bill tricked Lucky and Charm with mini lunches a la Oh Happy Day!  (We found our mini lunch bags in the dollar bin section at Target so we didn't have to hand make them.)

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