
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

We Sold...

...our guest room.  Not the actual room.  Just nearly everything in it.  It's a long and rambling story as to how we went from this:

to an empty room, but the short version is that we bought Lucky a bigger bed in order to use her twin mattress upstairs for a project in our spare bedroom upstairs.  The spare bedroom had been used for storage of items we weren't using and are now in the garage sale pile in our sun porch.  While looking for a full sized bed/headboard for her, I fell in love with the Julian bed from World Market.  It unfortunately did not come in a full size.  The queen size, however, was on super duper clearance with a coupon making it nearly impossible to walk away from.  Yes, I found plans on Ana White to make the same bed in any size we want, but we both shuddered at the thought of planning, building, staining and sealing it ourselves.  (Honestly, if we were able to find the same bedding from Lucky's twin sized bed in a full size, we would have bought the bedding, rotated her headboard horizontally, moved a few pictures and called it good with a metal bed stand.  The prospect of another huge project that we hadn't anticipated was not good.)

In the end, we opted against building Lucky a bed from scratch.  Instead, we bought the queen size Julian bed that I totally loved from World Market for $213 (with a coupon:)) for our guest room, and decided to go a different route in Lucky's room.  So not only did we still not have a bed for Lucky, we also needed to get rid of the old guest bed so we could move the new one in.

Enter Craigslist.  We ended up selling the old bed frame, box spring, side tables, lamps and bench, along with the duvet cover and bed skirt for $500.  In order to break 'even' so to speak, I have a lot of work to do and not a ton of dinero.  We'll see how it goes.  I'd like to add curtains, night stands and lamps.  Bedding would be nice as well:).  A little art work wouldn't hurt either:).  More to come on this subject, once I track down the more that's going to come.

As for now, here's our new guest bed:

And just so you know, I love this bed...but I have no vision for the rest of the space, as of yet.  I think I need to break out my inspiration binder:).  Wish me luck and stay tuned.

P.S.  The other half of the room is looking like this right now. AHHHH!!  I'm remaining calm and calling this a 'summer project' to go with all the others we have planned:).


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