
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our Stairwell Picture Frames Have Pictures Now!

Several months ago, I posted about our stairwell's new gallery style frame arrangement:

Many of the frames had no pictures in them or the pictures were sideways.  Hosting Charm's party in August gave me the motivation to make changes to the majority of the frames, but my four white oval frames were still blank.

I finally filled them last week with some simple profile pictures of our family:

We all just love them!  I made them with black card stock and some 'newspaper' wrapping paper that I found recently in the $1 bins at Target for the background. (They had a faux bois wrapping paper too!)

Check off another little 'to do' that's been on our list for awhile!  Yes!

Linking up to Finding Fabulous.


  1. Mary, formerly know as "Anonymous"October 9, 2012 at 11:12 AM

    I'm looking at our stairwell in a new light... could we do something so special to our stairwell with only us two gophers to put in the photos??? Might take me all winter to think this out, but after seeing yours, it's worth some noodling! Great job on yours.

    1. Thanks, Mary!!
      I think you could easily do something quite amazing with 2 gophers as the subject pieces:)!! The possibilities are endless when it comes to gallery walls. Good luck and have fun with it!

  2. I'm seriously impressed with how awesome your stairwell turned out! I have a short, dark one and I'm taking a look to see if I can use some of your ideas to do something with it, beyond ignoring it, that is. LOL New follower via Linky Friends and RSS.

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

    1. Thank you so much Kristy, and welcome:)!! If your hallway is dark, maybe white frames and mattes would brighten it up a bit even.
