
Monday, February 27, 2012

Hopscotch, Anyone?

First of all, I must say thanks for all the kind words and pins on Pinterest this weekend!  I have this feeling there will be more gutter shelves going up in kids rooms and playrooms!  If you've found my blog through Pinterest, welcome!!

Here is another project that I completed a couple months ago, but I haven't posted about until now.  Several months ago I posted about the one dollhouse room that we have completed so far (more rooms have been planned, and Lucky and I are excited about finding some time to work on it!!):

I have incorporated two pieces of this pretend room into our real life home decor.  I already showed you that the sunburst mirror was a mini red replica of the mirror I made for our guest room:

And now, meet our new foyer rug:

It's just a simple jute rug like this one that I painted using a combination of flat white paint and fabric medium.

Here is my plan:

I first used painter's tape to mark where I wanted my hopscotch lines to be.  Then I surrounded that tape with additional painter's tape.  I pulled off my original hopscotch tape lines and painted in that area.  These images help to illustrate the concept:

I thought about stenciling in the numbers, but it would have taken me a while to print out numbers on the ol' computer and mark them with a Sharpie and then paint them.  Because it was nearing dinner time, I took a risk and free handed them.  I think they turned out just fine!  

The rug may get moved to our mudroom at times, but for now, I love greeting people with such a kid friendly rug!  And it's keeping the kids busy in the winter time in an area where I can keep an eye on them.  I had picked up a couple hopscotch markers from Joann's in the $1 section, except they were 50% off making them 50 cents each.  They were bright pink, orange and purple.  The instant gratification of being able to use something as is was nice, but the colors wore on me.  I just recovered the gravel filled markers with scrap fabric that I sewed into pouches:

They live in a little bowl on my campaign chest in the foyer.

In this image, you can see some chairs I painted and recovered last fall during our big furniture refinishing frenzy.  You will be seeing more of the houndstooth fabric that I picked up for $2.70/yard last fall.

These chairs were an orange wood color originally.  They were $4.99 each at Goodwill.  Including supplies and the chair cost, it was less than $20 total for both chairs.

My next area of focus in the entry area will be this little nook:
I plan to add some sort of wall treatment, a different mirror, and maybe some wall hooks too.

I love this chest!  

This bulb bouquet was my Valentine's present from Bill, and it has been so much fun to watch it change and bloom.  We have a new flower surprise almost every morning!!  In the spring, we'll plant the bulbs outside, too.  I used to tell Bill not to buy me flowers because they can be so expensive, but I'll take living flowers like this any day!!  Thanks dear.

I have no idea how or why I started talking about flowers during a rug post.  But that's all I've got for today!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  

Linking up to Finding Fabulous.
Linking up to The Shabby Nest.
Linking up to Thrifty Decor Chick.
Linking up to The Rooster and The Hen.


  1. You continue to fascinate with your creative flow!

  2. You continue to fascinate with your creative flow!

  3. Love the rug! What a great idea. I am digging the gutter bookshelves too. I am your newest follower :) Found you off of Pinterest!


  4. I have been wanting a rug like this for a while. I think I am going to go ahead and give it a shot. Will white acrylic paint work? And what is fabric medium? Great job on the dollhouse room too!

  5. I actually used white latex wall paint in a flat finish...because we had it already:). Acrylic paint should work just fine too. Fabric or textile medium (see a picture of the bottle I used in this post )when mixed with acrylic or latex paints makes the paint dry softer so it's less susceptible to cracking. I used textile medium when I painted my dining room curtains and it was noticeably softer. I found the medium next to the acrylic paints at Joann's. I believe it was $5.99 for 8 ounces, but I always use coupons there:). The jute rug that I used for this project was pretty rough to begin with, so I don't know that the fabric medium was that beneficial, but I had some on hand already and figured it might help to prevent cracking. The rug is holding up really well! We actually just played hopscotch together after dinner tonight:)!

    Good luck with your rug:)!

    1. Wow!! This looks like something straight out of Pottery Barn. LOVE it! :)

  6. And thanks Judi and Christine! I appreciate your kind words!

  7. Hi Beth, first time here..actually my 14-year-old daughter stumbled on your space and she saved it to show it to me...we enjoyed browsing ur wonderful that rug..hope u have a great Sunday.

  8. Thanks Nisa! I hope you had a wonderful weekend as well.

  9. Visiting from Thrifty Decor Chick! I absolutely love this project....perfect for the kids arthouse!

    I am pinning it!


  10. What a cute idea! I love that campaign chest too... I think I need one of those. :)

    1. Thanks, Jenna! I was on a serious campaign chest hunt for quite awhile before I stumbled on this one. Now they seem to pop up everywhere:)!

  11. What perfect chairs, and I love the hounds-tooth! Thanks for linking up at the RRR party, we hope you'll come back for our next one!

    Whitney @ The Rooster And The Hen

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Amanda! Good luck to you on your rug hunt!!

  13. Hi,

    Love, love, love your page! Love all the projects you've done and your house tour is amazing!
    Would you be interested in linking up your home organization or project in our online magazine?

    If so, here’s the link:!organizing-your-space/cznf


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