
Monday, November 19, 2012

Wishing. Hoping. Dreaming.

Even though Santa already came early for me this year:

I'm a Minivan Mom:)!

...I thought it still would be fun to make a little Christmas list with some items that have caught my eye as of late.  Perhaps some of these items will help give you some gift giving ideas for those on your Christmas list:)!

Microwave Popcorn that is non-GMO and is actually healthy...I'd like to give it a try:)!

I'd love to pick up a copy of Ana's book.  Bill and I have poured over her website when making projects like our patio table.  We also have a couple projects we'll be tackling in the near future using plans from her site.  The fact that her plans are free is amazing in my opinion.  I feel like I owe her at least the $15 cost of her book:)!

I love both the look of this tabletop radio and the reviews that it gets.  I have the perfect spot for it in our basement!


I love this brand of nail polish, and I'd like to add to my collection.  In addition to a new color or two (I really like Smoky Martini too), I'd love to try the On the Rocks Topcoat as well to see if I can keep the color on my nails longer.

I'd love to get a nicer set of craft paint brushes than the toddler friendly brushes I currently use:).  I'm sure these aren't top of the line, but it would be a huge step up for me.  And I love the carrying case too:)!

I have long loved these leather poufs, and one would love living in my home:)...though I honestly don't know what color I'd prefer: dark brown or teal!

These just look so comfy to slippers that are okay to wear out of the house.  (I've been looking for a cheap pair on eBay for awhile now, ever since I read this post at Isabella and Max Rooms.)

I have also been looking for a flannel shirt that fits for forever, and I think that the tall sizing on this shirt might be perfect for me!  

Nate Berkus for Target
I love these shells! 

World Market
These jars are adorable, and would be handy in my craft area.

This chair is quite adorable!  I could see it spray painted in a super bright color too:).

And that rounds out my 'just for the fun of it' list for this year.  I hope you've all been especially good this year, so Santa brings you everything on your list:), and I hope Christmas shopping is effortless and easy for you this year too!!  As for me, I'm LOVING my new minivan, affectionately named Blanca Bianca Version 2.0.  Thank you Santa!!  And I'll more likely than not be braving the crowds on Turkey Thursday/Black Friday this week for a little Christmas shopping and to continue the Black Friday shopping tradition that goes back many, many years in our household.  The coffee high and thrill of the chase is so darn exciting.  Plus, I inevitably get to see my husband run in a store like a kid running to meet a super hero and it makes me bend over with laughter.

Regardless of scoring any good deals this weekend, Black Friday is going to be awesome:)!  Is anyone else heading out this year or do you plan to do your shopping online this year?

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