
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Belated January Colors of the Month: Blue and White

When I think of January, I usually think of cold weather and lots of snow.  Even though we had a mild January in Minnesota this year, I still chose blue and white as the colors of the month because blue is cool and snow is white.  

Nothing too exciting went on this month in terms of playing up the whole "snowy weather" theme, but that's okay.  I still wanted to post a few pictures of the way our great room looked this past January anyway:).  I only have 1 month to go (February) until I will have completed a full year of monthly color changes to our great room.  Where has the time gone?

I never posted about a little update we made on our dining room chairs that can be seen in this picture.  Do you see the number '3' on the chair?  It's just an address number that we picked up at Home Depot for about $3.  We centered it on the chair and screwed it in to all 4 of our Lucky Shamrock Blue Chairs.  And by 'we', I mean Bill tackled this project.  He did it months ago.  I think I was running an errand while he watched the kids and put numbers on our chairs.  He's super dad-husband man!:)  I love the fun little detail.  It makes me smile:)!

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