
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Starbucks Gift Card Giveaway!!

Would you like to know what I turned this pile of diaper package codes into?

One $15 Starbucks Gift Card courtesy of Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards Program.

I thought about putting it my husband's stocking, but since his stocking already has lots of goodies in it, I thought it would be a nice Sunshine Surprise for one lucky reader...a Christmas present if you will.  It also gives me the opportunity to say thank you to all the people who take the time to read my posts!  Your comments keep me going, and I really, really appreciate it.  This blog and the home projects that we have tackled this year have been incredibly therapeutic for me.  I'm so glad I stumbled into the blog world!

So without further ado, here are the giveaway "rules":  In order to enter to win the Starbucks Gift Card, you must already be a follower OR sign up to be a follower of this blog.  Also, you must leave a comment to this post and include your favorite holiday drink in your comment (if you forget the drink biggie:))!

A winner will be pulled at random from a Santa Hat and announced on Friday morning, so check back to see if you've won.

P.S.  This giveaway is not sponsored by Starbucks or Huggies.  It's sponsored by me and my stockpiling of diaper coupons and codes:)!


  1. I'm in! Your posts are like a cup of coffee to start my day! I don't know the name of my fav holiday drink but your mom may. It is 7- Up with a splash of brandy which my dad would make for me every xmas if we had company. I swear I was about 10! Brings me right back to being a little girl at Xmas in the house we grew up in. BTW I was alllowed just one! Oh! I think it was called a 'high ball' or hi-ball! Your mom will know!

  2. Woo hoo....Starbucks!!!! I have been enjoying reading your blog Beth! And I think it's great that your really becoming a name out in the blog world...36 followers...that's awesome! As for my favorite holiday drink...hmmm...well you probably already know what it! LOL, add some drink!

  3. I would love to say that it is Egg Nog, but every year I try it and I don't like it. I ask my step-sister for a sip of hers every year, she has gotten smart though and has started telling me, NO! LOL Anywho, every Christmas I typically enjoy a glass of wine or 2 and my stepdad usually makes us some mudslides at some point in the night. And like your Aunt commented above...I read your blog every morning while sipping on my coffee.

  4. Hi Beth - when Aunt Marie and Judi mentioned to me moons ago in an email about your blog I wasn't real familiar with the whole 'blog world'. You simply amaze me with your posts, great ideas and enthusiasm! I have two little cherubs as you know but I simply love to read your blogs and say 'wow' - I wonder how she does that with two little ones! It is so fun to read :) and I love your ideas! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy the spirit of the season - it is simply magical with children. Favorite holiday drink.....Brandy Slush with a splash of cherry 7up.

  5. Coffee...would just like some wonderful, wonderful coffee.

    I love you.

    PS - your blog rocks.

  6. Morning!

    I know I don't comment a lot, but I do check often. You really need to come to my house sometime and bring your creative/cheap ideas my way :)

    Favorite drink = diet pepsi...anytime of the year.

  7. I don't need the Starburcks card, but just wanted to comment to let you know (thought I think you already do know) that I read and enjoy your blog. :) Favorite drink: water.

  8. I follow via GFC!
    I love the hazelnut lattes :)
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  9. I'm a follower and I love peppermint mochas.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  10. new gfc and my fav is hot chocolate!

  11. Hi
    Well, I think everybody knows that my favorite drink--all year long--is Pepsi!

    Love your blog--Merry Christmas!!

  12. Hi! I love checking your blog. It makes me feel like I live a little closer to you and the kids. My favorite holiday coffee drink is a pumpkin spice latte. My favorite drink drink is a good ol glass of champagne.

  13. My favorite holiday drink would be a
    Peppermint Martini: egual parts of 2% milk, peppermint coffee creamer, vodka.....delicious
    especially fun in a martini "snowflake" glass.

  14. follow via GFC :)
    My favorite holiday drinks are cocoa bombs, a fancier not so hard way to make the best hot chocolate ever!

  15. I follow you through GFC as Olygirl.
    My favorite holiday drink is peppermint hot chocolate. With loads of whipped cream of course.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
