
Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Traditions: Annual Ornament

I love how Christmas is so full of tradition, and when you have a spouse and young children, it's so much fun to incorporate the traditions of your youth and create new traditions as a family (or continue old ones).  This year will be the first for our family's 'annual ornament' tradition.  As a child, I remember having a craft day every year in December.  My mom would gather up supplies and we'd make a specific ornament for that year.  We would make lots of the same ornament.  My sister and brother and I each got to keep one for our ornament boxes, and then we'd tie a handmade ornament onto every single gift we wrapped.  I still have a few of these handmade ornaments, and I treasure the memories of making them:

Christmas Mouse on a Bell

Craft Stick Snowflake

Fabric Christmas Lollipop

As for our ornament this year, we used supplies we had on hand for a very simple ornament.  

2011 is officially the year of red glitter and modge podge!

We tied and glued twine onto the pine cone tops.

Then it was glue and glitter time!

Present Ready!

My Christmas Model:)!

What are your Christmas traditions?  Next week, I'll be posting about a gift exchange tradition we'll be doing this year.  I'm so excited!!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. That is so funny. A couple days ago, me and the kids made the snowflake ones out of Popsicle sticks and glitter glue. I just glued twine on them last night for them to hang on our tree this morning. And also, you are definitely getting your money out of the red glitter. LOL

  2. I think that's MY GIFT!!!!!


  3. You know, Rhonda made me two pine cone ornaments when she was in (I think) second grade. They have some glitter on them and ribbon. I still have them, and proudly display them each year on my Christmas tree. They are a little worse for wear, but I love them and they have so much meaning to me. :) What a lovely tradition!

  4. I still have the lolllipop and the 'rouse mouse' in our ornament collection! That's a wonderful tradition to continue.
    Enjoy this magical time of yeae!

  5. Mary and Aunt Judi...I'm so happy to hear that you still display the ornaments made:) years ago!! The tradition makes Christmas so special!

    Gram...I hope you enjoy your present:)!

    Tami..maybe we can do a group ornament making play date next year:)!
