
Friday, November 11, 2011

Front Room: Sunburst Mirror

When I wrote this post earlier in the week, my front room's credenza looked like this:

While my inspiration image looks like this:

Enter this mirror from Kohl's:
Current Sale Price: $64.99

I actually picked it up in early summer because at that time, it was on sale for $45 (down from the full price of $99 at the time), and I had a 30% off coupon, and $20 in Kohl's Cash to use up.  I couldn't not buy it:).  I had always planned on spray painting it gold.  My cost for the mirror was about $20 after all discounts.

I used Rustoleum's Gold Spray Paint on the mirror.  Well, first I used Krylon's gold spray paint, but I quickly learned that not all gold spray paints are created equal.  I liked the Rustoleum color much better!  I felt like I had the Midas touch!

Here is how the mirror turned out:

 The overall room look now is this:
That rug now really needs to be switched out to better fit the style of the room and that light fixture has got to go too!  One thing at a time though:)!  For now, I'm just loving the new mirror, and I'm excited at how the room is shaping up as a whole!

Have a wonderful weekend!  

P.S. It's crazy to think that one week ago, we were playing in the leaves in fall coats, and yesterday, we needed big, bulky winter coats for a simple walk around the neighborhood.  I wish fall could stay for a little longer:

Linking up to Finding Fabulous.
Linking up to Thrifty Decor Chick.


  1. Oh that looks so lovely. I actually liked the mirror as is when going through this post, but then seeing it gold is WAY better.

  2. What a beautiful mirror; I love the color. AND I love the beautiful kiddie pictures!

  3. What a great buy, and your repaint is fabulous. Love that room with the beautiful rug, too! Cute kids. Watch out, they'll soon be grown!

  4. Wow what a fabulous makeover... I would have totally passed that mirror up. Love the way it looks with the credenza--great focal point.

  5. Wow that looks gorgeous! I've had my eye out for a good sunburst mirror for awhile, great find and I love how you transformed it!

  6. Absolutely beautiful! I love the transformation!

  7. Thanks for all the kind words!

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