
Monday, November 7, 2011

Front Room: Accessorizing the Credenza

When I last posted about our front room, it was looking like this: 

While my inspiration image is this:

After a little accessorizing and couple 'new' lamps, my console is now looking like this:
The lamps were Goodwill finds for $3.50 each.  The lamp shades are from Target and were $3.74.  I have plans to do some sort of gold lining in the shades in the future.  The books and pictures/frames were all owned already, along with the blue jar.

 Even though the room is looking more grown up, the kids have really been enjoying the new space, as well:

 We went from disorganized baskets and bins of toys like this:
(Yup.  That's a Shera castle circa the mid-eighties.)

to more streamlined categories of books and toys.  The interior of the credenza now looks like this: 
Books and a Box of Blocks.


More Puzzles.


And there is one organized (for the moment) toy basket next to the couch as well.  

More progress to come later this week!

Linking up to Thrifty Decor Chick.


  1. WOW! She Ra, Princess of Power! I'm singing it in my head right now! LOL. That's awesome Beth.

  2. Yeah, my parents kept everything! Lucky even plays with my old Barbies:). BTW: We're having a debate about whether or not the male action figure that is part of my Shera set is He Man or not. I say it is. Bill says no. The kids just call him 'heart man' because you can press a button on his back and see his heart. Any ideas?

  3. Okay, I just spent a little time at and discovered that the She-Ra male character is actually a man named 'Bow' who has a horse named 'Arrow'. Bow and He-Man share the same general look and color of pants, but they are two different characters. Bill was right, but for all my years playing with my She-Ra castle, I pretended 'Bow' was 'He-Man'. I wonder if I ever watched the actual She-Ra show? Whatever. I loved the castle and now Lucky and Charm do:)...I mean, it has an elevator for goodness sake!
