
Monday, November 21, 2011

Birthday Boy Bill!

Dear Bill/Daddy,

Even though you didn't get to blow out your own candles (at least not all by yourself):

and even though you didn't open a single birthday present this year thanks to your little helpers:

We want you to know that we love you so much!!  

Here are a few of the many wonderful things about you:

You are an amazing Dad... constantly teaching, stern when necessary, loving always.

You are a devoted husband.  You are my best friend.  You are my comfort.  You are my home.

You have an amazing work ethic.  At work and at home you give 110%!  We so appreciate all you do.

You keep us upbeat and moving forward, even during hard times.  Thank you for your positivity!

You are so considerate, and you're always thinking a few steps ahead.  You keep us on track.

You love us, and we know it because of your words, and more importantly, because of your actions.

You make life so much fun!

We are just so blessed to have you in our lives!

Happy, Happy Birthday Honey!  Here's hoping for another great year.

Love always,
Beth, Lucky and Charm

P.S.  Here are a few family pictures from the weekend for you to enjoy!

Mini Golf Birthday Celebration at the Mall of America!

Walking to the Build-A-Bear Store

Our first snow fall of the year came down, so we had to get our gear on.  Lucky said to Charm, "Look at you, Buddy.  You look so grown up!"

Baking time at Grandma and Grandpa's:

They made 'H' and 'L' shaped rolls!

And forget about the toys...the toy buckets are the real fun:
So serious because Lucky isn't there:).

Drum Buckets (The buckets also served as turtle shells.)

Another fun weekend flew by...only 3 more days until the next one begins!!