
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bad News, Good News, Let's Give Thanks!

The bad news is first.  I didn't finish what I wanted to finish by Thanksgiving Day.  I had big plans to 'finish' our dining room by the time we served our feast of a meal to our family on Turkey Day, but I still have one big task to complete that involves lots of measuring and some paint.  I was hoping to post about it today, but since a few things came up that required our attention instead, my last dining room post (or two:)) for awhile will have to wait.

The good news is that our basement window treatments surprised us yesterday (half of them anyway), and Bill worked hard to get them installed last night (Thank you!!).  It's exciting, because we no longer have the makeshift shower curtain window treatment in our guest room anymore...yeah!!  Pictures will come in the near future:).

Finally, Happy Thanksgiving!!  I hope you have an enjoyable and relaxing long weekend!  We are going to have a blast with family, good food and some Midnight Black Friday shopping too:).

I'll leave you with one more turkey day project I'm working on that involves these wishbone charms that I purchased on Etsy recently for 50 cents/charm:

 And these clearance napkins that I purchased to stage our old house and never opened:). $1.74 for 4 napkins x 2 packs.

 Also, I used the bottom of an old cup to trace a circle on black construction paper:
The little white nubby thing is a tiny piece of chalk:).

Put everything together, and what do you get?
A wishbone charm napkin place card holder:)!  I just love the wishbone charms.  I think they would look darling on a necklace or bracelet.  Wishbones remind me of Thanksgiving and family and good luck!

Bring on the yummy food:)!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's my napkin! Yay me!
    See you soon - can't wait to see all of the crafty changes to your decor. :)
