
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Meet Treecock

See this baby doll?

It's Lucky and Charm's favorite doll right now.  On the way to preschool last week, I was asked to take care of the doll for the day.  I asked, innocently enough, for the baby's name.  Lucky responded while gazing out her car window, "Treecock.  And it's a girl."  I repeated, "Tree cock?"  Lucky said, "Yes.  Treecock."  I asked if she had a nickname, and was informed that Treecock's name is Treecock.  There is no nickname.

I have no idea where she came up with that name.  My only guess is that she looked out the car window when she was naming the doll and saw trees and then combined 'tree' with 'peacock' to get: Treecock.  I don't know.  She definitely didn't see a peacock when she was naming the doll.  I was hoping she would have forgotten the name when she got home from school, but she didn't.  

Bill and I have tried unsuccessfully to get the name changed to Theresa or Traci or Tree.  So far, Treecock has joined our family for burgers at a restaurant, to IKEA and to Target.  Lucky made Charm carry the doll through Target.  I wish I had my camera for that.

Now, I realize that the name 'Treecock' is one of many issues that face this doll.  It lost it's original clothing a long time ago.  I think the original clothing covered up the fact that the doll doesn't have fingers or toes.  I think it's a sweet doll, with a cute face and an unfortunate name.  Bottom line: I don't want my kids saying the word 'Treecock' anymore.  Unless we can come up with a better solution, I think the doll is going to hibernate in my closet under a pile of clothes for the winter.

Your suggestions are welcomed.  Thank you in advance:).

P.S.  I scored some great deals at Target recently.  Converse sneakers were $6.25 (75% off):

And this twin bed sheet set was $6.98 on clearance (75% off).  

Check those endcaps!!


  1. Make a onesie with a peacock in a tree on it for the doll. No answers needed for the name.

  2. Why didn't Bub (burn unit baby) stick? I totally started laughing as soon as I saw the first picture :)

  3. Kiki, that's an interesting idea. Maybe I could switch it up though and just have a peacock on it. And Bill and I could just start calling it peacock and correct them when they say treecock. This entire conversation is ridiculous. I know.

    Jen...I'm so glad you read this. I'm going to be looking for a doll just like Treecock for M. It will be her favorite, I just know it. And then you can deal with the ridiculous name she picks out. I may help her with the name...or rather, Lucky may help her.

  4. Haha Beth!! It totally would be her favorite!! Right now, all her dolls are 'Baby', so I am looking forward to the names she comes up with!
