
Friday, October 21, 2011

Love For Lucky!

I can hardly believe my princess is four years old this week!  Seriously, it seems like just yesterday that she arrived and completely shifted my life's focus.  She amazes me on a daily basis with the things she does and the things she says.  She is so polite and so smart.  She loves her little brother so much and looks out for him like nobody else.  She's always asking, "What about 'Charm'?".  She never wants him to be left out.  She has such a kind heart.

Lucky girl is also a take charge kind of girl.  She knows what she wants, and once she warms up to a person or a situation, she's not afraid to demand strongly suggest what needs to happen so she can get what she wants.  We often joke that she's destined to be a teacher or a CEO or somebody who's job is to delegate work.  Lucky is an extremely hard worker herself.  She's determined.  She's independent.  She loves to learn.  I wouldn't be surprised if she starts reading before kindergarten...she is well on her way already and can tell you the sounds most letters make (vowels are tricky).

Lucky is a crafting fanatic.  She could seriously spend an entire day at our kitchen counter drawing, painting, gluing and stickering.  I love that about her, and I love that she is so interested in my crafts.  We often do mini versions of my projects for her.

She's got a fashion sense all her own.  She pulls together outfits that you wouldn't think would work, but on her, they do!  She has no fear because nobody's ever told her what does and doesn't 'match'.  She just goes for it wearing whatever feels good to her.  I so love that about her!  I don't think any adult can compete with the creativity of a child.  Here is a recent outfit:

She questions the world around her, and makes me think about things too.  She adds words to my vocabulary like, "Biggie" and "Mystery Marks".  (Mystery marks is her term for question marks if you're curious.)  She dreams big, for example Lucky announced a few weekends ago that, "For my birthday this year, I'd like a dentist kit AND a hot air balloon ride."  We just love this little medium sized (her words) girl so, so much!

We hope you have an amazing year sweet girl!!

Love you,
Mommy and Daddy

Here are some pictures from Lucky's birthday adventures this week:

And for the record, toy dentist kits do exist:
Thank you Oma and Opa!

And in a stroke of sheer luck, Lucky did get to go on a hot air balloon ride for her birthday this year:

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I loved the pictures of the Birthday Girl and her Brother! I can't wait to see the "reveal" for the Halloween costumes. :)

  2. Happy Birthday cutie pie!
