
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I hope that everyone has a festive and fun holiday!  We'll be getting into costume this afternoon and joining our friends and neighbors for some trick or treating fun!  We can't wait.

This weekend, we got a bit of a head start on Halloween festivities with my extended family in Northern Wisconsin.  Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Cupcake and Cookie Decorating:

 Birthday Celebrating (Lucky #4 and Cici #1!):

 Dog Hugging:

 Daddy Cuddling:

 Playing Outside!:

Filling the Bird Feeder

Walking with Opa!

Hay Ride Time!

Farmer Fritz at the Wheel

Fritz's Pond

Pumpkin Painting

Ghost Pinata!

 Family Costume Time:
We're Lucky Charms:)!  Bill is a Leprechaun, Charm is a Pot of Gold, Lucky is a Rainbow and I'm a Shamrock:)!!  

Lucky handed out Skittles and said 'Taste the Rainbow'.  Well she said it to me anyway:).

Charm handed out chocolate gold coins.

Queen and Baby Bees!

"It's too darn hot for a penguin to be just walking around!"  Yes, D.B, you missed it.  Mom was a Penguin.

Checking out the goodies!

Oma Heaven!

Thanks Oma and Opa for hosting!  And thanks to my extended family for coordinating such a fun and festive holiday weekend!  It's hard to believe we were up there for less than 48 hours!

I'll be back tomorrow with my first November post...bring on Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Christy!! Yeah, Charm had a good tongue, black fingers, eww. He was in cookie and dog heaven! Tell your family I say hello too.
