
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today is a Big Day!

On our agenda today are the following activities:

  • book reading
  • hand washing
  • game playing
  • movie watching
  • cuddling
  • popsicle eating
  • more hand washing
  • a bit of play-doh, paint and coloring fun.

No errands, no big projects, no cleaning, no laundry (okay, maybe a little laundry:)).

I couldn't be more excited to have such a relaxing day at home with both kids for the first time in several days!  Lucky girl gave us a scare on Friday, and after a five day hospital stay, which included many tests, needles and tears, we are finally home again!  She is recovering well at home after a nasty viral infection.  Charm was so excited to have her back!  And we are so grateful for all the prayers, calls and emails that were sent our way during this scary time!  And we are especially grateful for the family and friends that provided care for Charm while we tended to Lucky at the hospital.  Not worrying about Charm made it so much easier to focus on Lucky.

I'm telling you there is nothing like having a sick child to rock you to the core and remind you of the importance of family, of faith and of love.  As for all the projects I had planned for the week...those will have to wait for another day:).  My priorities have suddenly a good way.

Here's hoping you all have a healthy and relaxing week and weekend!  I'll return next week with some posts about my shopping trips last week and some projects we completed last week too.


  1. We are so glad to see pics of Lucky home with her family. What a scary moment for all of you. We are so happy she's feeling better. Please, big big hugs from her friends in Ohio that adore her and are thinking of her.

  2. I am so glad to hear that Lucky is home and that you are all doing well! Grandma Betsy has been worried and asking, too; I will be sure to pass on this good news! Love YAGAM
