
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Farewell to Summer

While Bill played in Florida, we enjoyed a nice long weekend in the U.P.  Ignore the time/date stamps on the pictures.  It is still 2011.  I borrowed Oma's camera this weekend:).  She apparently works very far ahead of schedule.


Looking for Loons

 Charm's Very First Entire Head Hair Cut, Courtesy of Uncle Fritz:

 Feeding the Fish at Fritz's Pond:

Classic Charm

Lovely Lucky Girl

Opa's Garden:

To the Pumpkin Patch, Full Speed Ahead!

Put on Your Happy Face, Charm!


 Potato Harvesting:

Boys and Dirt.  They're like peanut butter and jelly.

Look Closely for the Deer

Sweet Snuggle Time 

Thanks Oma and Opa for a wonderful time!!