
Monday, August 1, 2011

A Weekend of Family Fun!

While we didn't get many any household projects tackled this weekend, we did have a fun, family filled weekend.  On Saturday, we headed to the Minneapolis Farmer's Market.  We moved to this area almost 4 years ago and we've never gone to the Minneapolis Market.  While it was no Madison Market, it still provided great local produce, flowers and fun!  Here are some pictures from our morning:

Check out Charm's hand in his pocket.  He was born cool:).

We had a few yummy snacks:

Donut.  Yum. 
We also tried out some delicious sweet corn, orange juice and lemonade!

Finally, Bill and Charm picked out a bunch of flowers for Lucky Girl and me:

Aren't they beautiful?  Cost: $5

After a little nap:

...we headed to a local park and had a picnic lunch and played at the park's playset.

This is how much food Charm ate before he tried to sneak off to the swings:

2 Bites.  One bite was from the middle of a hamburger bun, and the other was a chicken nugget.

Charm Retrieval Method:

Playground Fun:

And on Sunday, we hosted a nice family gathering with Bill's family.  Unfortunately, I forgot to get out the camera:(.  We had a lovely, summer weekend...the perfect way to end July!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the pictures! They are making me hungry! We had a wonderful time Sunday--thank you for hosting.
