
Friday, July 15, 2011

Check It Out: Craft Fail

This is my equation for a perfect girls night: girlfriends + wine + Craft Fail!

If you haven't gone to this website and you want to laugh...really hard, you really should check it out!  I don't remember exactly how I stumbled upon it, but within minutes of reading, I was in a fit of laughter with tears streaming down my cheeks. 

Here are images from a few of my favorite posts (click on 'via' below the image for the direct link.  The descriptions of the 'fails' are even more funny than the pictures.):

Barbie Ball

Amish Friendship Bread

Nylon Doll

Scarf Turned Headpiece

To all my crafty gal pals: want to come over next time you're in town?  We could get out some yarn and create something...even if we fail, the laugh would be so worth it!

Have a great weekend!

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