
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Charm's Room in the Works

Recently, I've been thinking a good deal about Charm's room.  We recently moved him from our small nursery:

into a bigger bedroom that looked like this for awhile:

And then Charm decided he was ready for a toddler bed which meant all large furniture pieces were removed from his room (we didn't want to furniture strap non-permanent furniture pieces to the wall):

View of the room from the hallway


Closet Door

We made a changing station out of his built in desk:

The upper cabinet holds all his diapering supplies.

His room is functional, but we can do better!  We decided to budget $250 for his room (just like we did for Lucky's room, and any Craigslist sales from old items in his room can go to his room fund as well).

So far, I've decided on a 'vintage modern' feel for the room.  We've already added this chalkboard globe for $2.99, and a 2 x 2 white Expedit unit for $40. 

The picture is my inspiration piece for the room.  I love the colors and the vintage feel of it. 
I picked it up last summer at Kirkland's.

I also picked up this woven boat basket for $4.99 from Marshall's:

And some vintage suitcases from Goodwill:
$9 total for all three
We cleaned these out thoroughly, but they were in good shape to begin with! 
They are great for toy storage and imaginative play!

That's all we've got going on right now ($57 spent so far), but I'll continue to post updates as we make additions to the room.

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