
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Family Weekend!

This weekend post is a couple days late...we enjoyed lots of family time this weekend, which allowed us a much needed break from our normal 'to do list'.   We did sneak one or two projects in though:).

Also, look what arrived on Friday.  About 6-8 weeks earlier than anticipated!  See this post for more information on my free Peacock Blue paint from Glidden.

Sealing our kitchen granite was our only big project this weekend.  It is supposed to be done annually, and I'm sure our kitchen was long overdue for sealer:

The granite has never looked as good since we've been living here!

Family Fun:
We put Charm in his Easter suit for church this week...why not?  It won't fit him next year!:)

Impromptu Photo Shoot in coordinating outfits:)!
Cousins: Lucky and Cici

Even Charm and Opa had matching clothes on!!

Charm refused to smile.  I think he wanted to play with bubbles instead. 

The Girls: Oma, Lucky and Cici

Kiki and Cici.  Who's the kid and who's the grown up?

Fish Feeding

My camera died immediately after taking the picture of Opa, Bill and the kids feeding the fish, so there are no more pictures for this post.

Bill and I did have some solo time, and we made the most of it with a Goodwill and Home Depot run.  And we also transplanted a few pine trees from Oma and Opa's yard into ours:).  Thanks Om and Op!

It was a lovely weekend, and now it's back to the shopping and decorating and all:)!

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