
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sewing Practice: Seeing Yellow

Look what I made on Saturday:

I made a pillow cover.  And I didn't do it with an iron and no-sew adhesive.  I did it with a real sewing machine.  Yes!  I didn't measure anything.  I just eyeballed it, and decided on a 'pattern' that made sense in my head to meet my two objectives:  1.  The cover had to fit around the pillow insert I already owned and use less than the 1/2 yard of the fabric I purchased about a month ago for the project.  2.  The cover had to be easily removable for washing and for reusing the pillow insert with other covers in the future. 

Here are a few during photos:
The pillow insert was my size guide.

I sewed three pieces of fabric together so that there would be an overlap in the back that would allow easy pillow insert access.

 Before sewing the last side, I did a quick check to make sure I had a reasonable fit for the pillow insert.

Finished Product:

Total cost for the project: $5 for the fabric. 

It's a little more yellow for our family room this month:)!  So far, I've used up $16 of my $30 budget.  And it was great practice for my bigger sewing project that I hope to tackle this week!


  1. Your new pillow is beautiful--I love your "sunshine yellow" color this month.

  2. I love your pillow!
