
Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother's Day

Look what the kiddos made me for Mother's Day at their school program:

My heart melted when I read the cards they made (with their teacher's help, of course).  Being a mom is the best job that exists.  It's not the easiest.  It's not always the most fun, but it's still the best.  There is nothing better than cuddle time or reading time or tickle time.  When my kids are happy, I'm happy. 

With that, Happy Mother's Day to all Moms, especially my sister, Kiki, who is celebrating her first mother's day (BTW: Lucky says I look like you when I have my new glasses on.  Totally uncoached and totally funny.)  and also my sweet Ma:  you are the best!  Thanks for showing me patience and kindness always.  You have been an amazing example for me all my life, and I especially look to you as I work through the adventure of parenting.  You are a wonderful listener and advice giver.  I love you!