
Friday, May 20, 2011

Another Yellow Update and A Goodwill Challenge for You!!

While at Goodwill this week, I stumbled upon several interesting items.  One of them was this pretty yellow bird print in a nice wood frame for the low price of $4.99.  I love it, and the price is awesome!  (Usually, our Goodwill has pictures like this priced much higher, and I couldn't find any damage on it whatsoever.  Even for the frame and mat alone, $4.99 is a great deal!):

Now, I need some help for one of the last yellow touches for our May Family Room.  (After completing this project, I'll post pictures of the room all pulled together.)  I have a very small amount of money left in my budget ($1 to be exact) and a little yellow spray paint left.  I went searching at Goodwill for a piece that I could spray paint and add another yellow touch to the room. 

Here are my options:
Purple Polka Dot Polly for $1.99

Can somebody tell me what these are?  Hat Stands?  I'm not sure, but they were $2.99 each.  I was originally looking for some sort of neat, old finial, and these are sort of along that track.  What would this look like bright yellow?  Would it scream for a smiley face and a hat?

$2.99 brings this lovely lady home.

Howling Wolf Bank for $2.99
Yellow might look nice on him.

$1.99 for this Wood Duck in Flight.

$3.99 for the owl.  Pricey, no?

'World's Best Mother' Figurine for $1.99.  I was laughing so hard at this, I could barely take the picture.  Who makes this?  And who buys it?:).

Obviously, all of these options break my budget by $1-$3, but that still keeps me pretty close to budget if you ask me, and I'm okay with any one of these.  I just don't know which to choose.  Thoughts?  Place your vote for the one you think is the best, and maybe it will appear in my family room all gussied up in a glossy coat of sun yellow paint! 

Leave your vote in the 'comments' box by Tuesday, and I'll post an update by the end of next week!


  1. i personally like the bird in flight and think it would look great in yellow.

  2. Does this mean I have to return the 'World's Best Mother' figuire I got for you?

  3. I also like the Wood Duck--it would look great painted yellow.
