
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lucky's Room: The Inspiration

When pondering design options for Lucky's room at our new house, I thought about a couple different color combos: chocolate brown, teal and pink vs. white, pink and yellow.  I really struggled with these two options.  I liked the rich feel that I envisioned the chocolate brown option would provide, but I also liked the idea of doing a white, light, girly room too. 

In the end, I went a completely different route and found color inspiration for her room in this knit hat that was gifted to me a while back:

I love the bright pink (Lucky's favorite color), red and orange combination.  I love the texture and how it looks earthy and organic (not super girly or glam).  I plan to toss a deep chocolate brown into the mix as well.  The walls in her room are currently a nice tan/brown color, and we will probably leave them alone. 

Here is what her room looks like today: 

(The post-it notes on the floral picture are strategically placed to cover the parts of the picture that scare Lucky because she sees 'an old lady' in the flowers.  Bill put holes in the wall to hang this picture, so his solution to Lucky's picture phobia was to cover the scary parts up rather than take the picture down and fill the holes.  His plan worked like a charm for Lucky.  She thinks it's extra special now because the post-it notes say thinks like, 'Lucky', 'Charm', 'Mommy', 'Daddy', 'Oma', 'Opa', 'Grandma' and 'Grandpa'.)

Excuse the mess and my shirtless son.  I wasn't interested in picking up for a 'before' picture, and I'm pretty sure we came upstairs for a shirt change after a yogurt attack.  As for the room, we obviously have our work cut out for us, but we couldn't be more excited!!


  1. I love the colors; I can't wait to see what you do!

  2. Thanks! We've got a few things in mind for the room:).
