
Monday, April 4, 2011

Dream Homes: Toddler Edition

Sunday morning is Bill's morning to sleep in.  I get to sleep in on Saturday's.  I don't mind waking up early on Sundays.  I get to have a cup of hot coffee, cuddle with my kids and check out the ads in the Sunday paper.  The Sunday ads are a big deal for me...I love checking out the sales for the week, and I love the coupons.  Sometimes, Lucky helps me cut out coupons with her safety scissors...but she wasn't interested in that yesterday.  Instead, she wanted to do a craft project when I was looking at the sale inserts.  Hmmm...what to do, what to do.  It took me a minute, but I came up with an idea.

I got out a big piece of paper, a marker, and scissors.  We took out all the furniture store ads and made our dream homes, picking out the furniture that we liked best.  Lucky loved it, and I loved it too.  We ended up making two homes.  She helped me glue furniture down in the first house, and then she did all of the work on the second house.  I just helped her label the rooms and draw a toilet.  She insisted on a bathroom in her house, and it had to have a toilet, a toilet handle, a sink, and a stepstool.

Here is our handiwork:

I'm training her to recognize good decor at a young age:).  

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