
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy June!

Early June is always exciting and busy in our's the end of the school year, our wedding anniversary and Father's Day all wrapped into a couple short weeks!  I feel so lucky to have married my sweet Bill who still makes me crazy happy!  Since a vacation without kiddos is no where in our near future, I decided to surprise Bill and bring the vacation to us in the form of a live lobster dinner that came all the way from Maine, one of our B.C. (before children) vacation destinations together.  It was a night to remember!  (I ordered the Nor'easter special from Lobster Gram and it was fantastic and included mussels, chowder, lobster, dessert tarts and all the tools and condiments needed!)

Charm celebrated his last day of preschool and is off to Pre-K next year!

Lucky had a wonderful year in Kindergarten and is off to 1st grade next year!

We made chocolate chip cookies on the first day of school, and decided to make them again for the last day of school.  Charm did nearly all the measuring and mixing himself!  We used this recipe which is a favorite.  These cookies never last long.

 Bug hunting brothers:

Lucky and Charm were seriously entertained by the window washers we hired recently:

And Bill and I were seriously impressed by the deck staining job we also hired out a couple weeks ago:

 And soccer. The joys of every night soccer:)!

We also enjoyed a wonderful visit from Oma this week.  I don't have pictures because my camera is full, but we had a blast.  We picked her up from the airport and headed straight to IKEA!  We took her to soccer games and practices and she helped me so much around the house with our never ending mountain of laundry and to help with Clover so I could get a little work done around the house!  It was such a fun visit, and I so appreciated all her help.  It was hard for all of us to say goodbye.

And Happy Father's Day to Pa and Bill and Ron!  You guys are the best!  I'm so lucky to have you all in my life!

And with that, here are a few things worth sharing:

This phone case continues to be a major conversation starter for me.  I ordered it for Easter and because Jess from New Girl has a red version, but I haven't changed it back to my normal case yet.  The ears make my phone easier to find!!

I'm not sure if a cuter dog exists than this one.  (It reminds me so much of this childhood toy my brother and I 'shared' growing up.  LeMutt is currently living in Charm's room.) We have a bit of dog fever in this house, not that we're close to getting a dog anytime soon, but we love playing the name game: Harold, Riggins, Stella and Sue are all contenders:).

Growing up, we owned five beta movies that we watched about a million times each: The Secret Garden, The Dark Crystal, Herbie Goes Bananas, New Babes in Toyland and Dumbo.  I just purchased this one after an Amazon price drop, and I can't wait to make some popcorn and take a trip back in time while I watch it with my kids.  I wonder if Lambert the Sheepish Lion will play before Dumbo like our old Beta version.

This game looks like so much fun!  We ordered it for a birthday party, but may have to put it on our Christmas list this year too.

Have a fantastic week!!

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