
Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Perspective

A couple weeks ago, while loading Clover into the minivan after a quick errand, I saw this in the snow packed ground of the parking lot.  You may see see a smushed up Hershey Kiss, but I see a four leaf clover!  Lucky me!  It's time to get a lottery ticket, I think:)!

Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

(And Bill, Happy 9 Year Anniversary of our engagement!  If only we could go for a walk on that beach today.  Mental note: Return to the beach in Miami someday on St. Patrick's Day.  Drink green beer.  Enjoy a little sun.  Just a little:).  And bottle up some sand as a souvenir of the day Bill asked a simple question, and I made the best decision of my life by saying, 'Yes!')

P.S. Check out the leprechaun trap that Lucky and Charm set up last night:

Leprechaun Pete led them on a little scavenger hunt this morning.  Gold chocolate coins were hidden under their breakfast plates:)!

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