
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Clover's New Dresser Knobs

Even though I haven't shared Clover's nursery in its entirety 
quite yet, I thought I'd share this quick update.  Late last fall, we purchased this dresser to serve as a changing table for Clover's room because it matched the color and style of Clover's crib.  It was on sale and we used a coupon, so the price was right compared to most nursery specific pieces.

And then I saw this image on the Land of Nod website and really like the whimsy the mix of knobs added to the dresser:

Land of Nod

I decided I wanted to replicate the look on Clover's dresser, but at $6-8 per knob, the Land of Nod knobs were a bit too pricey for me, especially considering I needed 12 knobs and I already had perfectly good knobs that I was replacing:).  So I patiently waited for Hobby Lobby to open locally, and picked up this collection of knobs with most priced at $2 on sale (I think one or two were $2.50 and one was $3).

Clover and I finally got the knobs switched this week, about a month after purchasing them:

 Aren't they cute?

 And here's a tiny bit more of Clover's room:

I still have some pictures to put in frames, a crib skirt to make, and a couple other small details to work on before the room will be done.  I'll share more soon.

Hope you are having a nice week!

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