
Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy December!!

It's crazy that December is already here!!  We've been looking forward to this month for so long now, that we are perma-excited in our household.  Here is a big reason why:

It's crazy to look at this picture now because shorts and crocs are not our reality in Minnesota at the moment.  We've got snow and negative temperatures with the wind chill today.  Even though winter just started, I'm missing the grass already!!

Back to the picture....we are so excited to be growing our family later this month with a little boy we have nicknamed 'Clover'.  Lucky and Charm are beyond excited, and so are Bill and I.

Needless to say, this blog has been long neglected since late April when the first trimester fatigue in combination with preparations for a large garage sale got the best of me.  I fell out of the habit of writing, and then I decided to focus my attention more on my kids and establishing better 'Mommy-Friend' relationships in addition to preparing our house and hearts for a new little family member.  Now don't get me wrong, I've thought about blogging often during the last seven months, and we've completed many household projects during the course of that time, that I would love to share.  And I will share them over time because I like to share and also, this blog is a great way to document our family and all the changes that are constantly going on around us.  Like how Lucky is in Kindergarten now!  And how Charm makes us laugh every day with his four year old view of the world.  He has so much figured out already:).  We can only imagine how the dynamic of our family will be with Clover in the picture, and we can't wait to watch him grow with us!!

I hope you are all enjoying a blessed month, and that your holidays and travels will be safe and merry!  I'm hoping to write again soon...we've got a Christmas craft or two planned, and some birthday party updates that are long over due as well.  And I might have to post a baby picture or two as well:).

Talk soon!!


  1. Congratulations on the new baby!

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