
Friday, February 22, 2013

February Play House Update: Fire School!

At first, when we built our play house in the basement, I thought we'd create a different theme for the play house every week.  Then I realized that was crazy, and decided on an every 2 week change up.  Now, I'm thinking monthly changes are more realistic.  Here is how things have looked for the month of February: 

Charm received a fireman's outfit for his birthday in August.

And then I stumbled upon this deal at Bed, Bath and Beyond a couple weeks ago:
BBB also applies their standard 20% off coupons to clearance merchandise, so I picked up this fire chief costume for Lucky for $11.99.  I figured the kids would get more enjoyment out of the 'Fire Station' theme if they could put out fires together in costume.  

Bill made this 'hydrant' and hose combo using a $6 sump pump hose we got at Menards.  We have lots of hose left over in case this one breaks.  Bill made a 12" x 12" box using some leftover plywood for the top and bottom and 2" x 4" boards for the sides.  He made a hole in the top with a jig saw.  I painted the base red like a hydrant:).  Since we had the plywood and scrap 2" x 4" on hand, this only cost us about $6.  It is heavy so the kids can't swing it around, but they can drag it from spot to spot.

We also made this fire truck (or car) dashboard with more leftover plywood and a round wood piece we picked up for $6 from Menards.  We just did a simple paint job and used a bolt to attach the wheel to the plywood base.  

Underneath the Fire Station, we created a school for Lucky, since she loves playing school:

This desk is the student station:

And this is the teacher's desk:

Here's a little lesson in progress:

The 'flames' are just pieces of poster board attached with tape.  I painted the Fire Station sign using a 1" x 8" board and some craft paints.  

For the sign letters, I used Arial Narrow Bold.  I printed off the letters and adjusted the spacing as best I could and traced the letters with a pencil on the paper.  The pressure from the pencil left an indent in the wood that I used as a paint guide.

I already have a plan in mind for March's theme...I just have to get going on another sign.  And put together a few props:).  I'm excited just thinking about it!

Have a super weekend!

P.S.  The Nate Berkus line at Target is now 70% at the Targets in my area.  Some of the items are not included in the sale (the turtle shells for example), but most of it is!!


  1. I know first hand that this AWESOME!!! Your kids (and my kids) will love it for years to come. Thanks for inspiring me to start on ours. Seeing how much the kids love it makes all the work so worthwhile.

    1. Thanks Tami! I can't wait to see the completed dog house!!
