
Monday, January 14, 2013

School Paper Plan

Our mudroom, a current work in progress, was experiencing a paper work explosion ever since Lucky started preschool this year.  We love looking through all of her projects and letter practice, but we haven't been sure where to put these papers after we look and read through them.  I have a basket they've been living in the mudroom:

These pictures are nice pictures, because in reality the papers were shooting out in every direction and I took these pictures after we had worked on the pile for a bit.

We sorted the papers into four piles.  One for Lucky, one for Charm, one for Bill and me, and one for recycling.  We talked to the kids about how we couldn't save all of their papers, because we would run out of space.  We could only save the projects and papers they liked the best.  Sorting went pretty well, but in the middle of the big sort, I realized that some of these papers might be enjoyed by our extended family members.  We put this set together for Uncle D.B.:

He got a turkey bookmark, the letters 'D' and 'B', and a story board about a Giant, which is appropriate for Uncle D.B., who is very tall.  We put together 5 packages like this one, and they went in the mail today!

My pile consisted of a few 'keepers' like this:

On Thanksgiving, Lucky did portraits of everyone there.  This was mine.  I love it so much.  She even got my hair highlights right!!

And this:

Please note that Lucky titled this picture, "Daddy's Belly".  It is not his face, but his abdomen..nipples, belly button and all!!

And this:

And my very favorite one:

Lucky colored in this picture at school and then her teachers helped her write how she knows that God is taking care of her.  Her response, "God keeps me safe from dinosaurs."  Priceless.  You can't make this stuff up.  I wish I knew if this came after a visit to the science museum where they have dinosaur fossils on exhibit.   Regardless, it's a keeper!

Lucky, Charm and I put our respective piles into our 'Memory' Bins in our closets for safe keeping:).  Here's Lucky's:
(Yes, it's getting full.  We'll be going through it soon.)

And now my mudroom basket looks like this:

I'm sure the school paper pile will be huge again in no time, and come June we'll need to sort through the pile again, but now we've got a system to follow in the future!

And on a totally unrelated note, here are a couple more deals for you:

In addition to a fantastic furniture sale, I found the entire section of Green Toys on clearance for 50% off at World Market.  The tea set that I really wanted was sold out, but I'm putting these two away for birthdays!

Also, Babies R Us has a super sale going on for Babyganics Products.  They are all Buy One Get One Free!    That's 50% off!!  I like their bath wash for the kids, their baby wipes, and their detergent too!  Also, their surface cleaner is great!

I'm not sure how long either of these sales is going on for or if they are regional, so you may want to call your store before you make a trip!


  1. Daddys belly is the best picture!! C has been scared of dinosaurs lately too!

    1. I'm thinking I need to frame, "Daddy's Belly". It is so funny. I'm just not sure where I'd put it:)!!
