
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas and New Years 2012

Happy New Years!!  I thought I would put together a holiday picture post just in time for New Years.  I also still plan to write a 'Best of 2012' and a 'Resolutions' post this week, so stay tuned:)!!

Our Christmas Card photo!

Our Festive Front Room

Charm's No Look Ornament Making

Christmas Theater Class Show!

Charm didn't mind visiting Santa...

Lucky wasn't so sure about the old bearded guy.  (She was clinging to Bill's arm in this picture!)

That's better!

Donner and Blitzen took us for a sleigh ride this year!

 My new pom pom blanket from Target...on clearance:)!

We attempted to make feather Christmas trees this year...not my best work, but the kids had fun!

Charm's Christmas Eve present from Grandma Betsy!

Lucky's Christmas present from Grandma Betsy!

Last minute crafting to make a present for Santa.  This idea was Charm's alone.  He had a vision and worked non-stop to make it happen.  

Our completed count down tree (the star on top didn't make the picture...this tree is huge!).

We had a very 'Gingerbread Pirate' Christmas.

Charm worked hard to create some pirates of his own!

Charm called the book his 'cook book'.

 Captain Cookie and his Crew!

 Pictures after Christmas Eve Mass

 Christmas Morning!

Charm's waving toy pirates!  His gingerbread pirates turned into toy pirates...just like the book!

This might be my favorite picture this year.  Charm was AMAZED that the stockings were full!  He just stood there staring.

Bill got really excited for this big carabiner.

I think his favorite present was Kraft Mayo.  I only buy Trader Joe's organic mayo, which is not Bill's favorite.  I know because he tells me it's not his favorite.  Often.

This was my favorite present.  Paint brushes and a set of Pantone acrylic paints!!

Bill got a new saw on Black Friday, so he needed a good project to try it out on.  I gave him a BIG project. He spent several days working on it over his break.  

Lucky got a new hat and mitten set (Target clearance, of course:)), so she put on her cape and went to show  her hardworking Dad.

We went to a huge, family friendly New Years Eve party this year.

We all had lots of fun!

One tired girl.

One super tired boy!  

Bill and I stayed up until midnight and toasted with some sparkling wine.  I can't remember the last time we stayed up until midnight on New Years Eve:)!!

Happy New Years to all!!  2013 is going to be great.

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