
Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Ol' Basement Update

Back in September, I posted this image and wrote about a basement update that was about to happen:

Well, it happened!!

Because I'm a very slow blogger, I took pictures of our updated basement before Christmas, but am just getting to writing this now.  I could in theory take more pictures, but then I'd have to go pick up the basement to make it look picture ready, and I'm not interested in doing that at the moment.  Please ignore the Christmas decor:).

For reference, here's a couple 'before' pictures from long ago:

And here is how our basement looks now (minus a couple Christmas items):

We love how it turned out!  The added storage has been wonderful around the fireplace where we store games, dvd's, and soon our video components will be moved into the cabinets.  We love having a 'mini kitchen' in the basement as well.  It is so convenient to have a sink right next to our crafting area:)!!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  If you are local...stay warm!!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I love the tile in the bar area on the wall.

    1. Thanks C!! We had a hard time deciding on the tile, but we love it too!! It turned out better than we were expecting:)!
