
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Our Annual Ornament: Noodle Angels!

We made our annual ornament last week.  (See this post for last year's ornament.)  I decided to make noodle angels with the kids last week, mostly because I had all the supplies on hand in one neatly labeled shoe box from the last time I made these ornaments about 7 or 8 years ago with Bill's help.

We used several types of noodles and a wooden balls for the angel heads.

This ornament requires a good deal of patience and good gluing skills.  Lucky and Charm were on the young side to be making them, but we pushed through anyway.  Here are our headless angels waiting for the Elmer's Glue to dry:

Next, we painted the noodle angels with white paint, though any color would work.  Lucky is trying to pull off a Lady Gaga look here with huge faux poinsettia clips in her hair.  

And here's Charm painting and showing off his usual 'no look' camera pose.

After the paint dried, we strung the heads with ribbon for hanging:

And a few made it on our tree:

As an aside, we picked up our tree at Menards this year.  It was economical and easy to pick it up there.  I think the tree cost $20.  The kids loved watching Bill tie it to the top of our car, and I love the shape and size of the tree.  I think it fits the room perfectly without overtaking it.  We let the kids put their ornaments on the tree however they wished.  We found that they liked to group several ornaments on the same branch.  Perhaps they didn't want their ornaments to be lonely?  Bill and I added ornaments from our collection, and then we tossed on several white and red ornaments to make those colors stand out the most.  Here is how our front room is looking this year

There is something so sweet about watching Charm and Lucky play with their train set by the Christmas tree at night, so we've been keeping the set out most of the time.

And now back to the ornaments.  We tied some on Christmas packages for family and we're saving a few for Lucky and Charm's teachers presents as well.

And here are a couple random, fun pictures:
Lady Lucky Licking a Lovely Candy Cane:).

Everyone in this picture, angel included need a little V-8, I think.  

It's hard to believe that Christmas is only a couple weeks away!!


  1. Love the angel ornaments! Would love to do this project with my crew invited for Christmas, but the word "paint" scares the angel out of me...
